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  • 교수 Medical Imaging
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    Lab 의료영상신호 연구실


의료영상 신호처리, 
기계학습, 인공지능
초고속 고해상도 MRI, 
치매, 뇌졸중, 암 진단 및 예측


  • (Ph.D.) Biomedical Engineering (Signal Processing, Medical Imaging), Northwestern University
  • (M.S.) Mechanical Engineering (Fluid Dynamics), University of Michigan
  • (B.S.) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University


  • 2022 ~: 교수, 성균관대학교 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과
  • 2015 ~ 2021: 부교수, 성균관대학교 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과
  • 2011 ~ 2015: 조교수, 부교수, 고려대학교 뇌공학과
  • 2008 ~ 2011: 조교수, 연세대학교 의과대학 영상의학과
  • 2005 ~ 2008: Senior Scientist, Siemens Medical Solution, Erlangen, Germany
  • 2016 ~ : Editor-In-Chief, Investigative MRI
  • 2015 ~ : 대한자기공명의과학회, 편집이사
  • 2012 ~ : Associate Editor, Biomedical Engineering Letters

학술지 논문

  • (2023)  Robust unenhanced peripheral magnetic resonance angiography using single-slab 3D chemical-shift-encoded GRASE.  PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY.  68,  17
  • (2023)  Whole-Neck Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Using Velocity Selective Magnetization Preparation.  TOMOGRAPHY.  9,  1
  • (2022)  Generalized self-calibrating simultaneous multi-slice MR image reconstruction from 3D Fourier encoding perspective.  MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS.  82,  1
  • (2022)  SNR-Enhanced, Rapid Electrical Conductivity Mapping Using Echo-Shifted MRI.  TOMOGRAPHY.  8,  1
  • (2022)  FID-calibrated simultaneous multi-slice fast spin echo with long trains of hard pulses.  PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY.  67,  3
  • (2022)  Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING.  41,  1
  • (2021)  Assessing the reproducibility of high temporal and spatial resolution dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in patients with gliomas.  SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.  11,  1
  • (2021)  Global and local constrained parallel MRI reconstruction by exploiting dual sparsity and self-consistency.  BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL.  70, 
  • (2021)  Single-shot pseudo-centric EPI for magnetization-prepared imaging.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  86,  5
  • (2021)  Rapid three-dimensional steady-state chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  85,  3
  • (2020)  Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING.  39,  2
  • (2020)  Model-Based High-Definition Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Concurrent Estimation of Perfusion and Microvascular Permeability.  MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS.  59, 
  • (2018)  Retrospective multi-phase non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (ROMANCE MRA) for robust angiogram separation in the presence of cardiac arrhythmia.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  80,  3
  • (2017)  SMS-HSL: Simultaneous multislice aliasing separation exploiting hankel subspace learning.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  78,  4
  • (2017)  Rapid Whole-Brain Gray Matter Imaging Using Single-Slab Three-Dimensional Dual-Echo Fast Spin Echo: A Feasibility Study.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  78,  5
  • (2017)  Rapid Chemical Shift Encoding With Single-Acquisition Single-Slab 3D GRASE.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  78,  5
  • (2016)  Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation.  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING.  36,  2
  • (2016)  Current-induced alternating reversed dual-echo-steady-state for joint estimation of tissue relaxation and electrical properties.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  78,  1
  • (2016)  Intracranial plaque enhancement from high resolution vessel wall magnetic resonance imaging predicts stroke recurrence.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE.  11,  2
  • (2015)  Alternating steady state free precession for estimation of current-induced magnetic flux density: A feasibility study.  MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE.  75,  5


  • (2021)  지능형정밀헬스케어공학개론.  성균관대출판부.  주저자


  • 후향적 무조영 자기공명혈관조영술.  10-2017-0085999.  20190826.  대한민국
  • 무조영 자기공명혈관조영술.  10-2017-0084286.  20190307.  대한민국
  • 다중대역 다중절편 고속영상복원기술.  10-2017-0066401.  20190122.  대한민국
  • 자기공명영상장치 및 자기공명영상 생성방법.  10-2016-0158583.  20180419.  대한민국
  • 화학 교환 포화 전이.  10-2016-0104873.  20180131.  대한민국


  • (2022)  Functional Segmentation and Reconstruction for High-Definition DCE MRI Exploiting Vascular Heterogeneity priors.  국제자기공명의과학회.  미국
  • (2022)  Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled SimultaneousMulti-Slice MR Image Reconstruction fromGeneralized 3D Fourier Encoding Perspective.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  미국
  • (2022)  Vascular Heterogeneity Model-based Deep Learning Reconstruction for High-DefinitionDynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  영국
  • (2020)  High Definition DCE MRI.  International Conference of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  대한민국
  • (2020)  Retrospective Multi-Phase Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography: ROMANCE MRA.  International conference of Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  대한민국
  • (2020)  Robust Simultaneous Multi-Slice MRI Exploiting Hankel Subspace Learning with Self-Calibration and Self-Referencing Magnitude Prior.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance inn Medicine.  미국
  • (2020)  DCE MRI: Acquisition.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  미국
  • (2019)  Ultra-High Resolution Whole-Brain DCE MRI makes Significant Difference in Estimating Permeability Maps for Cancer Patients.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  캐나다
  • (2018)  Accelerated SMS-FSE with Long Hard Pulse Trains and Spatially Invariant FID Suppression.  ISMRM.  프랑스
  • (2018)  High SpatiotemporalResolution DCE MRA and Perfusion in a Single 4DAcquisition Exploiting KineticModel Based Signal Priors.  ISMrm.  프랑스
  • (2018)  Highly Accelerated Multi-Contrast 3D Isotropic MRI in 5 Minutes: A Feasibility Study for Multiple Sclerosis.  ISMRM.  프랑스
  • (2018)  Multi-Contrast 3D MR Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Measurements with Spatially Adaptive Priors.  ISMRM.  프랑스
  • (2018)  Novel Tumor-Selective Dual-Contrast 3D MRI Toward Zero False-Positiveness in Brain Metastases: A Feasibility Study.  ISMRM.  프랑스
  • (2018)  Retrospective Multi-Phase Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (ROMANCE MRA) for Robust Angiogram Separation in the Presence of Cardiac Arrhythmia.  ISMRM.  프랑스
  • (2015)  Current-Controlled Alternating Reversed DESS MREIT for Joint Estimation of Tissue Relaxation and Electrical Properties.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  미국
  • (2015)  Dual Projected Background Nulling Compressed Sensing for Robust Separation of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Angiograms.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  미국
  • (2015)  Optimizing T1w-SPACE for intracranial arterial imaging.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  캐나다
  • (2015)  Spiral-CEST Encoding with Spectral and Spatial B0 Correction.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  캐나다
  • (2015)  k-t SPARKS: Dynamic Parallel MRI Exploiting Sparse Kalman Smoother.  International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.  미국